Chiropractor Adelaide – What You Need to Know
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Chiropractor Adelaide – What You Need to Know

Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession recognising the body's inherent recuperative abilities. It involves a manual approach to diagnosing, treating and preventing disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system, with particular emphasis on the spine and how it functions in conjunction with the nervous system.

Book your appointment at our central Adelaide CBD clinic to learn more about how spinal adjustment improves function and contributes to wellness.

Chiropractic chiropractor AdelaideA chiropractor Adelaide is a healthcare professional who is trained in the diagnosis and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. They use manual therapies, including spinal adjustment and mobilisation, muscle and soft tissue techniques, electrotherapies, exercise prescriptions, rehabilitation, and lifestyle recommendations. Some health insurance plans cover chiropractic services. However, you should consult your GP before visiting a chiropractor. Different chiropractors have different approaches, so you should choose one that suits your needs. Some focus on spinal adjustments, while others include additional therapies like massage, exercise, and nutrition counselling.

People visit chiropractors primarily because of spine-related musculoskeletal problems, including back pain and headaches. In addition, they treat neck and shoulder pain, various muscle and joint conditions and sports injuries. Many also seek chiropractic care to alleviate intermittent pain or improve posture and flexibility. A chiropractor is a member of your healthcare team and can collaborate with other professionals, such as physicians, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, occupational therapists, midwives and registered massage therapists.

Https:// chiropractor Adelaide work in various settings, including private practice clinics and interprofessional teams. They may also serve as a patient educator or researcher. They are active members of their community and often volunteer in health-related activities. They may also serve on a community board or as part of a sports team's healthcare team.

Knowing your chiropractor's scope of practice is essential, as it affects the quality and effectiveness of their care. Many factors, including education, professional identity, and patient safety, influence the practice content. A study by Engel et al. found that a perception amongst GPs that chiropractic is unsafe could reduce the number and type of referrals to chiropractors.

To get the best possible care, look for a chiropractor Adelaide licensed by your state's regulatory authority in Adelaide. Then, choose a practitioner who specialises in your condition and has years of experience treating patients. Moreover, your chiropractor should be certified by the Australian Chiropractor Adelaide Association and have the proper qualifications and credentials to provide safe and effective care.

Dry Needling

Dry needling involves using a fine, sterile needle to penetrate and stimulate underlying muscular and connective tissue. This technique is an excellent complement to a more extensive treatment plan and can help to release muscle knots (trigger points) and improve the range of motion. It is also a highly effective therapy for treating hip and knee osteoarthritis. Muscular pain from osteoarthritis can sometimes lead to compensatory movement patterns, and dry needling can be an effective tool to treat these muscles.

Muscle trigger points are taut bands of skeletal muscle that feel like little knots. These knots can refer to pain in other parts of the body and cause a decreased range of motion of power or group of muscles. Dry needling targets these muscle trigger points and can help to relieve the pain and improve the function of the force.

A trained physical therapist will insert the needle into the area of your body where you are experiencing discomfort. The therapist may move the needle around a bit to try and get what is called a local twitch response from the muscle. This is a good sign that the power is responding and will likely result in some immediate relief of symptoms. It is not uncommon to need multiple sessions of dry needling.

Functional dry needling can treat musculoskeletal conditions, including low back pain, neck pain, rib syndromes, migraines, whiplash-associated disorders, cervicogenic headaches and shoulder dysfunction. It has also been shown to reduce spasticity in individuals with stroke/upper motor neuron lesions and to enhance recovery after surgery for spinal cord injuries.

During a functional dry needling session, the physical therapist will place the needles in specific areas of your muscle, called myofascial points. These myofascial points are tight bands of power that can be painful to touch and can refer pain to other parts of your body. The needles will stimulate these points to help break up the tension and increase blood flow to these areas. Increased circulation can improve your overall health and reduce the pain you are experiencing.


K-Laser Therapy is an incredibly effective non-invasive, painless, and drug-free modality for managing musculoskeletal conditions. It can stimulate all cell types and accelerate tissue healing. It treats various conditions, including neck and back pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, tendinitis, sprains, and strains.

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